We specialise in Gas & Flame Detection Equipment
for your business' and your employees' safety!

It is important to note that all our Agencies meet the requirements of ISO 9001 code of practice.

Gas Detection
Fixed point Gas Detectors capable of measuring flammable and toxic gases
Fixed point Gas Detectors capable of measuring flammable and toxic gases
Fixed point Gas Detectors capable of measuring flammable and toxic gases
Flame Detection
Utilized in all critical areas where there is a high possibility of fires
Utilized in all critical areas where there is a high possibility of fires
Utilized in all critical areas where there is a high possibility of fires
Laser Gas Detection
Portable and fixed open path specific gas monitoring solutions for accurate long distance measurement
Portable and fixed open path specific gas monitoring solutions for accurate long distance measurement
Portable and fixed open path specific gas monitoring solutions for accurate long distance measurement
Personal Safety Monitoring
3G/Satellite connected combined Personal Gas Detector and Safety Monitoring devices
3G/Satellite connected combined Personal Gas Detector and Safety Monitoring devices
3G/Satellite connected combined Personal Gas Detector and Safety Monitoring devices


Trigas Agencies CC was founded in 1998 as a need existed in the Gas and Fire Detection Industry for a Company that could offer a reliable, cost effective product range coupled with our vast experience in the business.


Gas Detection
Calibration Gas
Fire Detection
Connected Safety
Satellite Solutions
Two-way Voice Calling
Lone-worker Monitoring
Cloud-based Analytics
©2024 Trigas Agencies